“I CAN’T HEAR YOU” Politics

K.B. Livinston
4 min readApr 8, 2021


I am K.B. Livingston and I want to say thank you for reading my blog. This is my first article and it is meant to discuss what I see going on in the world and comment on what seems to be a logical thing to do. And I am diving right into the mix today.

In reading through headlines, I came across and article where Edmondson and Broadwater discuss with a Democratic Congresswoman Veronica Escobar the current environment between Democrats and Republicans. The particular article is dubbed “Democrats Are Torn Over Working with G.O.P. After Capitol Riot” (Link at bottom of article). The headline already implies that there is in fact a relationship issue and most will breeze past and assume, duh? Who didn’t already know? These articles pop up and give enough information in one sentence which requires no further reading. However, the article is more revealing than the headline leads you on.

Please be patient and continue on. I reassure you this is important.

Let’s discuss how they approach the topic with Veronica Escobar. Edmondson and Broadwater note right at the beginning of the article that “Ms. Escobar personally liked the man, a fellow Texan, and she supported his bill.” She passed on the initial request… But why? Then she has a change of heart.

Why does Ms. Escobar initially dismiss the bill?

Because some extremists rioted based off of many comments that are inappropriate for any President to say? (I deemed it immature). Yet, are we responsible for our actions? Unless you have a severe mental illness in which you have no conscious, we choose to act and know that there are consequences.

Ms. Escobar eventually supports the bill.

What is surprising, Democrats are stating ““Our office is declining to work with your office at this time, given your boss’s position on the election,” the aide wrote in an email to an aide to Mr. Smith.”

Let that sink in… We VOTED and appointed politicians to an office that makes vital decisions for their continuants to benefit solely the United States of America and particularly the citizens in their district. That is important because sometimes communities are wrong overall and the politicians may have to disagree based of moral values that are implied in the Constitution.

Yet, both parties are too busy playing silent treatment to be mature and do their jobs.

The extremists could have acted based around commentary that President Trump’s made on Social media and other platforms.

People got hurt because of the extremists choosing to do their own thing. When protesters show up in riot and body armor with weapons, what did the President do?

This is an issue. Why didn’t the President act? Because all they did for a four-year period was playing “I can’t hear you?”

That is something he has to answer for.

It’s becoming imperative that all parties start opening communication. It is making our country vulnerable and seem weak.

We haven’t had a war on USA soil in over 100 years because of our strong military and diplomacy. We are a conglomerate of humans with all types of goals and agendas.

Based around to ensure that one party and one ruler is wrong.

How many of us want this to stop?

Let’s start commenting on this type of information as positive news. It is disgusting and I am glad it was brought to light in the New York Times.

I call for pens and paper, emails, phone calls. If we don’t convince them that this is not what we want, then we have four more years of vulnerability.

Do not underestimate our “allies,” they may keep us for trade, but if they had the chance they’d pounce on our very fertile land.

Nevertheless, I wish you all a good night and when you wake remember to compliment someone not in your life. Perhaps to a stranger walking past you or a waitress, or perhaps a customer on the phone.

They always should be appropriate. Such polite are compliments about their nice voice… even if they don’t. Do not comment on shape, size, beauty. Just a basic compliment. “You have nice earrings.” “Have a blessed day!” “You seem happy today.”

Look some up on Google.

Trust me, the more you smile and compliment others, the better we all will feel in today’s environment. Sadly, right now a compliment of a smile seems fake, but those cheeks definitely show a huge grin… Smile anyways.

So, my compliment to you is that I like how diligent you have been reading my article.

And if you want to see more or share information for me to review and also comment my opinion on it, leave me a link.

Be sure to like and share freely.

Show Love with a SMILE! 😊

K.B. Livingston

Catie Edmondson and Luke Broadwater,(4/8/2021). “Democrats Are Torn Over Working With G.O.P. After Capitol Riot,” The New York Times

Please use link for full article:
Democrats Are Torn Over Working With G.O.P. After Capitol Riot (msn.com)



K.B. Livinston

I write stuff based off what I read or saw. It is straight up opinion using my logic. However, feel free to provide rational evidence to prove me otherwise.